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Best Gifts for Colleagues at Work - Office Gift Ideas to Show Appreciation

How can you show your appreciation to your colleagues at work? That's the question many people face every year at the holidays and other celebratory occasions, but it's certainly not an easy one to answer. You want to be sure that the gift you give them shows just how much you appreciate them as well as fits their personality, but it also has to be something that you can afford (especially if you're on a budget) and something that isn't too personal or risqué...and there are many more considerations!

Birthday Gifts

Use these tips on what to buy for a coworker's birthday or work anniversary! Do you want a gift that'll last long and show how much you care? Get an eco-friendly office plant. Looking for something personal and thoughtful? You can never go wrong with hamper gifts. Need an idea for a leaving gift? A personalized hamper is the perfect way to say thank you, good luck, or see ya later! If your colleague is remote, send them off with some customized gifts from Prestige Gifting so they don't forget where they got them from. Keep your fellow coworkers close by buying them one of our favorite things: high-quality products that are guaranteed to make their day brighter.

Thank You Gifts

It's easy to become so absorbed in your own work that you forget to appreciate all the hard work done by your colleagues. Especially when they're remote workers or work friends and it can feel like there is less face-to-face contact with them. But that doesn't mean you should forget about them! Give them a thank you gift and show how much they matter in the workplace. The best gifts for colleagues are the ones that will be personal and make them happy, but still relevant to their work life. That way, they'll remember who gave it to them, why, and how much you care about them each time they see it.

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